The Singapore Zoo, renowned for its open-concept enclosures and lush, tropical environment, is home to an impressive array of animals. With over 2,800 animals from 300 species, the zoo offers an immersive experience that educates and entertains visitors of all ages. Here are 10 must-see animal exhibits that should be at the top of your list when visiting the Singapore Zoo.

Singapore Zoo:Orangutan Island

One of the most iconic exhibits at the Singapore Zoo, Orangutan Island, allows visitors to observe these magnificent primates in a naturalistic, free-ranging environment. The orangutans can swing from tree to tree on ropes and branches, showcasing their incredible agility and intelligence. The zoo’s commitment to orangutan conservation is evident through educational talks and interactive sessions where visitors can learn about the threats facing these gentle giants.

Singapore Zoo:Fragile Forest

The Fragile Forest is a massive biodome that replicates the dense, humid environment of a rainforest. Here, visitors can walk among free-roaming lemurs, bats, butterflies, and other fascinating creatures. This exhibit provides a unique opportunity to observe these animals up close in a habitat that closely resembles their natural surroundings. The Fragile Forest highlights the importance of rainforest conservation and the diversity of life these ecosystems support.

Elephants of Asia

The Elephants of Asia exhibit is a must-see for anyone visiting the Singapore Zoo. This expansive enclosure is home to a herd of Asian elephants, including the zoo’s famous female elephant, Komali. The exhibit is designed to mimic the elephants’ natural habitat, complete with a large pool for bathing and a spacious yard for grazing. Daily shows and feeding sessions offer insights into elephant behaviour and the challenges they face in the wild.

Frozen Tundra

For a change of pace, head to the Frozen Tundra exhibit, where you can see animals adapted to cold climates. The star attraction here is Inuka, the polar bear, who enjoys swimming in his chilled pool and playing with his enrichment toys. The exhibit also features raccoons and wolverines, providing a glimpse into the diverse wildlife of the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. This exhibit emphasises the impact of climate change on polar habitats and the importance of conservation efforts.

Reptile Garden

The Reptile Garden is a must-visit for fans of cold-blooded creatures. This exhibit showcases a wide variety of reptiles, including Komodo dragons, king cobras, and giant tortoises. The highlight of the exhibit is the daily reptile show, where visitors can see these fascinating animals up close and learn about their unique adaptations. The Reptile Garden is both educational and thrilling, offering a chance to appreciate the diversity and resilience of reptiles.

Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia

The Great Rift Valley of Ethiopia exhibit is a beautifully designed space that replicates the rugged landscapes of East Africa. Here, you can see a variety of African wildlife, including baboons, Nubian ibex, and rock hyraxes. The exhibit’s centrepiece is a large, multi-tiered rock formation where the animals can climb and explore. Informative displays and interactive elements provide insights into the ecology and culture of the Great Rift Valley region.

Primate Kingdom

Primate Kingdom is a lush, tropical paradise that houses a diverse collection of primates, including gibbons, macaques, and colobus monkeys. The enclosures are designed to encourage natural behaviours, with plenty of trees, ropes, and climbing structures. Visitors can observe the primates’ social interactions and playful antics, gaining a deeper appreciation for these intelligent and social animals. The zoo’s commitment to primate conservation is evident through educational programs and breeding initiatives.

Australian Outback

Step into the Australian Outback exhibit to experience the unique wildlife of Down Under. This exhibit features kangaroos, wallabies, and emus, providing a taste of the Australian bush. The open-concept design allows visitors to walk among the animals, offering a truly immersive experience. Informative signage and interactive displays highlight the adaptations of these animals to their harsh, arid environment and the conservation challenges they face.

Treetops Trail

The Treetops Trail is an elevated walkway that takes visitors through the canopy of the rainforest, offering stunning views of the zoo and its inhabitants. This exhibit features a variety of arboreal animals, including sloths, langurs, and flying foxes. The Treetops Trail provides a unique perspective on the zoo’s lush, tropical environment and the diverse wildlife that calls it home. It’s a tranquil and scenic spot, perfect for leisurely exploration and photography.

Wild Africa

No visit to the Singapore Zoo is complete without exploring the Wild Africa exhibit. This expansive area is home to some of Africa’s most iconic animals, including lions, zebras, and giraffes. The open-concept enclosures are designed to mimic the savannah, providing ample space for the animals to roam. Daily feeding sessions and informative talks offer insights into the behaviour and ecology of these majestic creatures. Wild Africa is a celebration of the continent’s rich biodiversity and a reminder of the need for ongoing conservation efforts.


The Singapore Zoo is a world-class destination that offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with wildlife. From the lush rainforests of the Fragile Forest to the icy expanses of the Frozen Tundra, each exhibit is thoughtfully designed to educate and inspire visitors. By showcasing the incredible diversity of the animal kingdom and highlighting the importance of conservation, the Zoo plays a vital role in promoting a deeper understanding and appreciation of the natural world.


1. What are the opening hours of the Singapore Zoo?

The Singapore Zoo is open daily from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, with the last admission at 5:30 PM.

2. Are there any dining options inside the zoo?

Yes, the Singapore Zoo has several dining options, including cafes and restaurants that offer a variety of cuisines and snacks.

3. Can I purchase tickets online?

Yes, visitors can purchase tickets online through the Singapore Zoo’s official website, which often offers discounts and special packages.

4. Is the Singapore Zoo accessible for visitors with disabilities?

The Zoo is wheelchair accessible and offers facilities such as rental wheelchairs, accessible restrooms, and designated parking spaces for visitors with disabilities.

5. Are there any special programs or tours available at the zoo?

The Zoo offers a range of special programs and tours, including behind-the-scenes tours, animal feeding sessions, and educational talks that provide deeper insights into the zoo’s conservation efforts and animal care practices.

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